Dovevo fare di nuovo l’esame di maturità, ero stata ammessa, e avevo paura di rischiare di venire bocciata dopo tutta la fatica per arrivare fino a lì. Dovevo studiare storia, ma non sapevo nulla, leggevo da quattro libri diversi e mi sembrava di non ricordare niente. Intanto iniziavano a interrogare ma non capivo quando sarebbe toccato a me. Inizia anche una gara di corsa, all’inizio sono molto lenta ma poi faccio un bello sprint, ce la metto tutta e gli insegnanti sono stupiti che arriviamo tutti alla fine del percorso. Appena finita la corsa mi chiamano per l’interrogazione di storia, io non so neanche cosa sperare che mi chiedano perchè non so nulla, l’insegnante è molto carina con me. La prima domanda è sul cibo tipico e riesco ad abbozzare una risposta inventando. Poi mi sveglio.
This dream may symbolize your anxieties and insecurities related to a challenging task or goal you are trying to achieve in your waking life. The fear of failing or not being prepared is represented by the fear of being unable to pass the exam despite your efforts. The confusion and feeling of not knowing enough (studying from different books and doubting your knowledge) can reflect a lack of self-confidence or uncertainty about your abilities.
The race in the dream could symbolize the competition and pressure that you may feel in your pursuit of this goal. Initially being slow but eventually sprinting and giving your best effort demonstrates your determination and willingness to overcome obstacles.
The moment when you were called for the history examination represents the moment of truth, where you have to face your fears and uncertainties head-on. The teacher being kind to you may imply that there is support and understanding available to you in your real-life situation. The fact that you were able to come up with an improvised answer shows your resourcefulness and adaptability.
Overall, this dream suggests that you may be grappling with doubts and concerns about your abilities, but it also highlights your resilience and determination to push forward. It may be beneficial to confront your insecurities and seek support or guidance to boost your confidence in order to overcome obstacles and achieve your goals.